Jari Joutsen

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Speed training


Endurance training


Strenght training







Strenght training

My strenght training is created normal way. Four different type of trainigs consist the basic, general strenght, power strenght, speed strenght and endurance strenght. In the begining of training season I concentrate in general strenght, cause it creates basic to the other trainings. Power strenght and speed streght are my main trainings later in training season and also in competition season. I make only little endurance training by weights, cause my opinion is that I get enough endurance strenght by skies and rollerskies.

Inside training- and competition season I make couple of Strenght periods. One period will take maybe two weeks and consist of 6 - 8 different kind of strenght trainings. With these periods I can improve my Strenght level little bit and make sure that my level doesn't go down.

Sets and Repetitions:
Typical general strength training consists of 3 sets of 10 repetitions by 75-80 max, power strength training 3 sets of 2-4 repetitions 90% max, speed strenght training 3 sets 5-10 repetitions by 50% max and endurance training of 3 sets of 10+ repetitions 40% max.

Total work should take 45 - 60 minutes not including warm-up.

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